"I'm not sure some junior product managers have the insight and experience to behave how you suggest. "
This is where the Product Leader - their manager, should be educating and directing them and setting the context to not be sucked into feature prioritization with these kinds of feature prioritization frameworks.
As for orgs with no prioritization at all, perhaps something is better than nothing, but the problem I've seen is that the bandaid is seen as the cure. RICE, WSJF, Opportunity Scoring - any scoring framework - are misleading because they are viewed as a way to solve the problem. I'd suggest that instead of introducing these, have the discussion about priorities for the business and which initiatives align best under those priorities and then decide - a simple ranking if that's the only way - which order to focus on them. i.e. priority vs. sequence of execution. This not only avoid, RICE, Moscow etc, but also frames the decisions in a way that allows easier introduction of a more formal strategy aligned process.