Hi Nick
There is definitely a lot more that can be written about value. I have a couple of other ideas for blogs on the topic in the future. Measuring or quantifying the value (in some form) is a step once people can easily identify the value they deliver.
The challenge I've seen in quantifying value is that only some types of value can be quantified. e.g. things that are themselves already quantitatively measured like time or hard costs. But many others like Connection, Cultural Fit, Reputational Assurance, Social Responsiblity etc. either cannot be quantified or not quantified easily. That's the challenge with value. e.g. One can think about and possibly estimate the cost of Reputational Risk, but in the end, it's pretty subjective.
In most cases I've seen, people use some form of risk modeling (formal or informal) for many of these subjective elements. In the example I gave in the article, the company was valued by it's customers for it's Expertise and Responsiveness. We didn't ask them if they measured that quantitatively, but it would have likely been hard for them to put a number on it. And yet, they valued it highly.
So in short, there is more work to do in trying to better determine value. :-)